We started our evening with the 7pm showing of 'Valentine's Day'... yes that was kind of cliche and cheesy for us to see that, but Melisa and I didn't care, we wanted to see it so this was our perfect opportunity! I won't give too much away about the movie in case some of you readers want to see it and haven't had the chance. It was a WONDERFUL movie with lots of cute little love stories. Oh and the added bonus, lots of eye candy ladies, LOTS :)
Here are the 4 of us getting ready to head out for the evening. Gerrad, me, Adam and Melisa. Adam always gives me a hard time that I like to take so many pictures, he kept referring to this shot, and a few others, as our 'prom pictures.' This blog is like my digital scrapbook so I like to capture everything!
Adam and Melisa at the restaurant. Melisa was sparkle-rific and looked too cute!
Melisa and I at the restaurant.
Gerrad and I at dinner, I LOVED his pink tie!
I had to have a 'whole outfit' picture for ya'll :)
SUPER cute shoes I have to reluctantly give back to Melisa, ha ha!
After dinner we headed to the improv comedy show where I failed to take any pictures. It was SUCH a wonderful Valentine's Day Eve, night!
My wonderful husband surprised me more than I could have ever imagined Sunday morning before church. He went to take our babysitter home (a sweet teenager who spent the night so we didn't have to take her home at 1am), and came home with my favorite coffee drink and a bagel, and a gold colored bag from KAY JEWELERS :) YAY!! He got me an 'Open Heart' bracelet for my birthday this past year, he loves that collection. So this year for Valentine's Day he got me an 'Open Heart' ring and a pair of earrings (which I neglected to take a picture of somehow) and a diamond heart necklace!
I am SO blessed with the most wonderful and appreciative man!
I got him new Taylor Made 3 and 5 wood golf clubs. Now his new set is complete and this nice wifey is DONE buying golf accessories :)
I snapped some SUPER adorable pictures of the girls on Valentine's Day so I'll post those tomorrow for 'Wordless Wednesday' and I'll still be posting my Bachelor recap later! Hope all of you had a wonderful Valentine's Day and spent it with the one's you love most!
What a sweet guy!
We went to see that movie, too, and it was SO CUTE! Loved it!!!
Sounds like a fun date night. What a great hubby you have.
How seet! That was such a good movie and perfect for Valentine's day! And I was totally lovin all the eye candy! ;-)
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