Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yes, its really ME!!

Hey ya'll! I've been on a month long (or more, as my dad keeps KINDLY reminding me) hiatus. I'm just so busy with kiddos, business, life, etc... I'm sure you can all sympathize, but at the end of the day, the blog has gotten the short end of the stick, FOR SURE!

So how are you all doing??? I miss all my blogger girlfriends!!!

Today Macie started school, 3rd grade. Seriously, where the heck have the past 8 years gone???? It seems like just yesterday I was a TERRIFIED teenager thinking about bringing a baby into the world, but knowing God had a plan for me, and now, here we are. Couldn't be happier as our family of 4! Macie's turns 8 on Friday, 3 more days, sheesh! Addaline starts preschool on September 9th, be prepared all, that day is going to be ROUGH! Unless Gerrad has an epiphany and decides we are having another baby, Addaline is IT! WHAAAAA!

There isn't a lot to update on it doesn't seem. We had Macie's birthday party this past weekend, I'll post pics, don't worry. I've been busier than all get out with my business. I'm now selling product in a local hair salon, and building up my stock for a local boutique which I am SUPER pumped about. It is so amazing to have all these wonderful opportunities at my finger tips. I can't even begin to show my thanks and appreciation to the people who have helped me along the way. I keep praying that my business stays busy, and continues to take off, and it certainly does- God is SO good!

OK I'll zip it for now, and leave you with a few pictures of Macie from her first day as a 3rd grader. It seems SO strange saying 3rd grade, boo :( I need a pause button STAT!

I will TRY my hardest, friends to come back to being a regular blogger- try to hold me to it ya'll!!


Neely said...

missed you girl!

Journey2Goal said...

She looks so cute today! Hope she had a good first day of 3rd grade!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness. miss you!!!

That hair couldn't be more adorable!