I couldn't think of a deserving enough title for this post in all honesty. Sunday was such an emotional roller coaster of a day for me. If you're not all about making a difference, surrendering your life to the One who gave you life, then this post is NOT for you. I love a good light hearted, funny post just as much as the next guy, but this is real life, and MY blog (which I constantly have to remind myself of), so bear with me!
I had been waiting for Sunday for a few months, since I heard a couple from Manna Worldwide was coming to speak at our church. They are close friends of the pastor, and have the most amazing hearts for God. I definitely wasn't prepared for what I felt that day. Our morning started off totally chaotic at 5:30am (3 hours earlier than my alarm was set for), so I was already feeling super tired, over emotional, not a good combo for the sermon we were going to be hearing, oy! Sunday during praise and worship, I felt something, something that I had never felt before while singing. I cried while singing the words, and truly hearing the meaning behind what I was saying. Make sense? I sing along every week at church, and love the songs, but something about that day was different. Maybe I was delirious from our morning, or maybe it was more.
Right away after singing, we watched a video full of children, women, missionaries, etc.. from a Village called Kibera in Kenya, Africa. That is where the couple spends most of their time, running a food bank, and doing so much more. The photos touched me deeply, the statistics made me sick to my stomach. We are seriously spoiled as Americans. They talked about how people in that village live on $1-$2 a day, a DAY, people! I don't know about you, but my household makes significantly more than that, and I couldn't even fathom what that would be like. I have been praying for God to break my heart, to show me hurt like I've never known. Although selfishly as I prayed for those things, I prayed that the hurt not come from anything to do with my family, talk about control freak.
I decided that just standing by and being an observer is no longer enough for me. I WANT to do something, I HAVE to do something! I took the leap and decided to sponsor a child, and also inquired about going on a trip to Africa, or wherever it works out that I can go. I'm putting it up to the One who knows the need. Starting in September I'll start fundraising, and starting immediately after we return from Disney, I'll start saving for this trip. It will most definitely be the most eye opening experience I've ever been through in my life, no doubt. These people don't have running water, they use the restroom in holes in the ground, they live 8-10 people in a 10x10 'hut.' It's just heartbreaking, but they don't know any other way, and seem so happy to just be alive.
Gerrad was asking me last night if I was really serious about going on a trip, and if I thought I could really make it, being away from the kids for 2 weeks. I am scared to death (keeping it real), but I KNOW that I could do it. I know it's for a wonderful cause, and my friend Melisa and I discussed that when Macie and Makenna are old enough, we'd like to take them as well.
I'm not telling you these things to make you feel like you need to give, I am not a spokesperson for Manna Worldwide, I am only one person, who wants to make the difference, even if it is just by doing what I can to sponsor a child. I want to be changed, and this is where it starts!
I know that there is need in our own backyards so to speak, as well. Things like helping at local food banks, donating clothes, paying it forward every chance you get. I plan to do all of the above as well. I want to set a good example for my children, to teach them what love looks like.
P.S. This post would not be complete if I didn't fill you all in on our CRAZY morning Sunday. Our dog Riley (yellow lab that we inherited from my dad because the girls just adore her), had a seizure Sunday morning around 5:30-5:45am. She has never, that we're aware of, had one before. It scared the holy crap out of me, and I immediately started crying and called my dad to come over, apparently I keep forgetting Riley is OUR dog now and not his. After about 10-15 minutes she was completely fine, and spent the rest of the morning just laying around and resting. Gerrad looked up some information online (Dr Google) and found that seizures are common in dogs, and we need not worry unless it becomes a regular thing. Then at 7am when I try to go back to bed for a bit, I notice a wasp on the ceiling, I go get Gerrad
Then Tuesday, a trash man hit a power pole in my neighborhood, knocking out power to a strip of our block for roughly 9-10 hours. No power= not being able to use the garage to get into the house. That was real special, trying to figure out what to do with 5 kids, 3 of which need diapers, 1 needs bottles, formula, etc... Thankfully I was able to get Addaline through one of the windows, so she could let me in the front door to get what we needed. Talk about stressful situation, thankfully I have awesome daycare parents so it all worked out!
I'm ready for a little calm after the storm this weekend!
Check your email!!
This will be a wonderful experience and opportunity for you. I will be praying.
As for the dog seizures, get some Kayro syrup. Keep it on hand and if it happens again, rub some in her mouth while she's seizing. It'll help.
I love this Molly! I've had the desire for years to go to Africa and work with children and I'm hoping that the Lord brings it to fruition. Dylan and I have been thinking of sponsoring a child so maybe that's a good start! I'll be praying for you. Your heart will forever be changed!
A mission trip has been weighing on my heart lately as well! I just feel the desire to do something to help others, but more importantly to open my own eyes and heart! I will be praying this happens for you! What a wonderful experience it will be!
I think what you are doing is amazing. I can't imagine living on $1 a day. That is just crazy. We really ALL would be much happier without so much "stuff".
Beautifully written! You just brought tears to my eyes and I seriously can't wait for this amazing journey to begin. I think that the preparation financially, spiritually and emotionally are going to rock us to our core. God is going to reveal himself in new and beautiful ways, I'm so thankful and excited to share these experiences with you and Melisa! (and whoever else we go with)
P.S.- I'm praying you guys have a good weekend! Ya'll need it after all that crazy business this week!
Love ya!
I so admire your heart, girl! So excited to see where God leads you!
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