So what have we been up to lately you ask?
The girls are doing great. It's been such a mild winter (knock on wood), that we've been enjoying going with out our coats, playing outside, taking walks, having the windows open and just enjoying life.
I feel like my 'baby' turned into a big preschooler over night, and it makes me sad. This girl can write her name with the best of them, makes this momma SO proud.
My big girl has such a big heart for Jesus. She is constantly making these signs for her door, her sisters door, her walls, etc... She spends time reading her bible, praying with her sister and I, and makes me strive to be a good example for her and Addaline each day.
I've decided, thanks to Jenn posting this on twitter, that I think I'll join this fun February photo challenge. What better way to keep track of a month, than by photos?! Thanks again Jenn for the inspiration. It will also give me something to blog about hopefully. Double win!
Gerrad and my dad have gotten me hooked on a new hobby... say hello to my latest purchase, a .45mm handgun. Look out world, momma's packing heat :)
Hopefully you'll see more of me around here, and that G will be back with his Friday Funnies. If you have any fun link ups you participate in, send them my way, anything to give me a little help getting back into the swing of things.