This kiddo has been an easy child since day 1. Labor was even a breeze with her, 4 hours and she was out! Slept through the night from 2 weeks on, never crying unless she was hungry. She is not high maintenance, she loves others and loves to care for others. Her greatest joys are helping those in need; helping her sister, cleaning up messes, cleaning her room, making her bed... things I NEVER have to ask her to do. Maybe I should hire her to be my house keeper?? HA HA! She will make a GREAT wife and mother one day (in 20+ years).
She is my girly girl for sure, always wanting to wear lip gloss, jewelry, anything and everything pink, her mom's latest hair bow creations. I can't believe how fast 8 years has gone by. It seems like just yesterday she was placed into my arms.
I always used to say I never wanted kids, when I was much younger, but when I wake up to those 2 sweet faces every day, I know I found my true calling. Hopefully one year when she reads this, she will be able to look back, and be proud of the parents that Gerrad and I have become thanks to her and Addaline!
Happy Birthday Macie! I love you to the moon and back!

Showing off her 'cool' shirt, what a ham!