Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas Blog Challenge- Day 11

Day 11: New Year Resolutions

Today's topic is pretty simple for me. I don't really ever make New Years resolutions. I kind of feel like, if I'm going to do something, I just do it. I don't wait until the first of the year to make a promise to myself, and then be upset when I fail.

Ok so after I posted first thing this morning, I got to thinking and wanted to add, change my post, I'm allowed to do that right? I am allowed a do-over occasionally aren't I?!

So after thinking about New Years resolutions, I came up with a few, none of which I'm sure are typical (as in non are weight loss, although I NEED to make that a priority to eat healthier and be more active). Back to the resolutions... my goals are going to be as follows- Be a better Christian, a better wife, a better mother, a better friend. I'm not necessarily bad at any of those things, but we're never as good as we can be. I'm a total control freak, so I could also stand to let go a little, and live a little more.

I feel like I've come a LONG way this year with myself. Learning to love more deeply, spending more quiet moments talking to God, being a better friend and spouse to Gerrad, being a more loving and attentive mother to the girls. Letting things go and realizing I am NOT the one in control. I'd like to spend the next year continuing on with my personal growth, and I know I will succeed! (Is that better Lacey? ;))

So what are your New Years resolutions? Do you make them? Do you even think twice about them?


Lacey said...

Cop out! :)

Lacey said...

Those are fantastic goals and I fully intend on stealing all of them because I could seriously use some work in all of those departments and I'm not afraid (though slightly ashamed) to admit it.
But you do know I was kidding about the cop out, right?

Shannon said...

I make them, just have a hard time sticking to them!

Hopefully this will be the year, right?!

Happy Friday!

Caroline said...

Love this! Sometimes you have to do do-overs. :)