So I decided I'd finally jump on the bandwagon and join Target Tuesday with Tara. I have noticed lots of my favorite ladies do this, and let's be real, who doesn't love to browse Target's website???
This week, because I'm DESPERATE for Spring to be here, I'm going to do Spring inspired clothes/shoes!
Love this dress for Spring, and also for those cooler summer nights, or date nights with the hubs! I must purchase this!
Love this tunic and the colors, but it's way to short for this momma, so I'd throw some capri leggings, or cropped skinny jeans with it
I also love maxi dresses, even if they make me look prego, they're so lightweight and stylish!
I heart this top, and the color, but I would definitely have to cut those ties on the front, ick!
Pretty sure I'm going to need to purchase these 2 pairs of sandals ASAP ;)
And this post wouldn't be complete without a handbag. Tara posted this one, and I had to look it up for myself. I will be purchasing this for Spring!
What are you loving from Target lately? Any bargains I should know about?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Miscellany Monday
1} There are certain things I should be allowed to craft, and there are definitely certain things I should NOT be allowed to put my hands on. Saturday night Ashley and I decided it would be such a fun idea to make all the girls 'Pimp Cups' like the ones pictured below, only ours didn't turn out near as cute as these. Well, they were cute until the beads starting coming off, and paint started chipping off. UGH! Maybe we'll scrape all the paint and jewels off and try again? MAYBE! Also, our team ended up losing, so we wondered if we jinxed them with our cups?! HA!
{source} Our inspiration, their's were MUCH cuter, and prob held up better.
Ours, they were cute, just didn't hold up like we had hoped :(
2} How come Saturday's seem to last forever (which I love), but Sunday's seem to FLY by? I can't stand that, the last day of the weekend, that should be for rest and relaxation, always seems to be a blur. I need a pause button!
3} The kids are back to school this week after having Spring Break last week, I LOVE my children more than life itself, but momma is excited school is back in session ;)
4} Have any of y'all heard of Manna Worldwide? We have a couple coming to speak at our church in a few weeks and I could not be more excited to hear what they have to say. I have been wanting to sponsor a child for a while, and also go on a missions trip. They are coming to talk to us about BOTH of those things. I watch the videos on their website and it just breaks my heart. I WANT to make a difference, I WANT to be able to just hug on those kids, to be changed for the better. I'm praying that it all works out and I'm able to go on a trip. I know that it will be the hardest thing emotionally that I would ever do, but I'm ready! I know that it's all up to God whether or not this all works out, so I'm putting it in His hands!
5} I realize that I should just be thankful for any weather at all, but I am SOOO ready for Spring. We had super nice weather last week, and then last night it snowed, and we're supposed to get 5-10 inches tomorrow night/Wednesday morning. Then Friday/Saturday it's supposed to be 70 degrees, what in the WORLD?! Goodness I'm over it!
6} I feel like my first blog swap was a HUGE success! Thanks to all who played along and did a wonderful job!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Spring has Sprung- LINK UP!!

Did you all get your packages in the mail? Did you LOVE what was in them? I know I sure did. I think I had the best swap partner, hands down ;) Not only because of my package, but because she's a kick butt blogger! I have had a blast reading her blog and getting to know her. It was definitely fun being paired up with someone whose blog I did not previously read, gave me new reading material, which is always nice! So thanks a million Impulsive Addict, I *big fluffy heart you*!!!! And now that I have your number for texting/chatting, you'll never get rid of me!
She sent my package with the most adorable little notes taped to everything, which was super sweet. I didn't even manage to get the note I wrote her IN TO the package, I failed at this swap thing I think, sheesh!
How cute are all these hand written notes? And all the stuff for the girls, SO sweet!
Who doesn't love a package that has chocolate AND hazelnut coffee in it? Best.package.ever. Don't forget to link up here with me, or with Aly. You know we're nosey and want to see all your goods.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Spring Is In The Air
I've obviously been slacking lately on the 'ol blog, for good reason though. We have had some gorgeous weather (70's and 80's) almost daily for the past week, so we've been enjoying every extra minute and spent it outside. All good things must come to an end, this morning it's in the 40's, go figure KANSAS, ugh! I'm excited to link up with Amber and Meghan for their Spring is in the air blog challenge today. The topic is:
Obv I was SUPER excited to be on the beach (cheesy smile much?!)
There was an awesome party on the beach the first night we were there. SO much fun! I had to have a photo with a local.
Who wouldn't want to lay around and look at this all day??
3. Where are you/would you be headed for spring break this year (real or ideal)?
(March 23)
If I had a spring break, and could go anywhere, I would definitely go back to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. That vacation was a little slice of heaven, and I would give just about anything to be there laying on the beach right about NOW!
There was an awesome party on the beach the first night we were there. SO much fun! I had to have a photo with a local.
Who wouldn't want to lay around and look at this all day??
Is anyone going on a beach vacation anytime soon? If so, care to let me crawl in your luggage and join? I promise you won't even notice I'm there ;)
*Don't forget, if you participated in the "Spring has Sprung" blog swap that Aly and I hosted, tomorrow is the link up to show off all your goodies. Can't wait!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Old Disney Photos and the Easiest Recipe EVER!
This morning when the girls woke up, the FIRST thing they both started talking about was Disney World, and it was so cute! Apparently Gerrad and I need to explain the difference of a helI-copta (she really exaggerates the I) and an airplane to Addaline, so funny! I was trying to explain to Addaline all the things that we would do when we go to Disney, her biggest concern, are the people in costume real? Home girl has a real fear of people in costume, so this COULD be interesting, pray for us. I told her that we went to Disney when she was a baby, and explained all the fun things she could do, rides she could ride, etc... She was also VERY worried that there would need to be a train there that she could ride (girl is OBSESSED) by herself, um we'll see. I told her I could show her photos from the time we went when she was a baby, of course she got SUPER excited and was giggling up a storm as I showed her pics. Macie was trying to tell her about all the rides as well, it was so cute! These girls are stoked, and I think it MIGHT be a long few months until we go, how far away is June again?!
Here are a few of the pics that I showed Macie and Addaline this morning. I can't wait to see them experience this again, I may be just as excited to go as they are.
This pic cracks me up every time I look at it! My daughter, the ham!
This is how Addaline and my niece Kamryn spent our whole trip pretty much, this and sleeping in the strollers, they were definitely troopers!
Another action shot with Macie being a ham, ha!
My 2 favorite 'things'
On the safari at animal kingdom
Macie was super worried about if the house we're renting has a pool or not, of course it does!
I seriously cannot wait to build more memories with the girls, and hopefully take them back many more times through the years, Disney is fun for EVERY ONE :) The girls are also over the moon that their cousin Kamryn (and their Auntie, Uncle and other cousins) are going with again as well!
On to the recipe (this post is all over the place obviously).... My friend Carrie (who by the way, we need to get her back into blogging) gave me this recipe, and I'm obsessed with it lately! The best part? It's healthy, it's actually a weight watchers recipe!!
Ok here it is, you might miss it because it's only 2 ingredients, and a few steps, SOOO easy!
Cherry Fluff Bars (named by Carrie)
1 box of angel food cake mix
1 can of 'no sugar added' cherry pie filling
-Preheat oven to 350*
-Mix angel food cake and the pie filling (do not add water or eggs or ANYTHING else)
-Pour into 9x13 cake pan and bake for 30-35 minutes
And because I know it's healthy, apparently it means I have convinced myself that it's ok to eat half the pan in one setting, ha! Let me know if you make it, and what you think!
Here are a few of the pics that I showed Macie and Addaline this morning. I can't wait to see them experience this again, I may be just as excited to go as they are.
This pic cracks me up every time I look at it! My daughter, the ham!
This is how Addaline and my niece Kamryn spent our whole trip pretty much, this and sleeping in the strollers, they were definitely troopers!
Another action shot with Macie being a ham, ha!
My 2 favorite 'things'
On the safari at animal kingdom
Macie was super worried about if the house we're renting has a pool or not, of course it does!
I seriously cannot wait to build more memories with the girls, and hopefully take them back many more times through the years, Disney is fun for EVERY ONE :) The girls are also over the moon that their cousin Kamryn (and their Auntie, Uncle and other cousins) are going with again as well!
On to the recipe (this post is all over the place obviously).... My friend Carrie (who by the way, we need to get her back into blogging) gave me this recipe, and I'm obsessed with it lately! The best part? It's healthy, it's actually a weight watchers recipe!!
Ok here it is, you might miss it because it's only 2 ingredients, and a few steps, SOOO easy!
Cherry Fluff Bars (named by Carrie)
1 box of angel food cake mix
1 can of 'no sugar added' cherry pie filling
-Preheat oven to 350*
-Mix angel food cake and the pie filling (do not add water or eggs or ANYTHING else)
-Pour into 9x13 cake pan and bake for 30-35 minutes
And because I know it's healthy, apparently it means I have convinced myself that it's ok to eat half the pan in one setting, ha! Let me know if you make it, and what you think!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Look Out Disney World, Here We Come!!!
Read this BEFORE you watching the video! Y'all I sound like a FREAK on this video, for real! I sound like I'm screaming mad at Macie, but really I'm laughing. Gerrad sounds like he sucked in helium as well, HA! We're a mess. I was yelling at her to turn the card over because I didn't want to ruin it for her yet. Control freak much?! HA!
Here are some pics I snapped while they were opening the cards. Back story: We decided that we wanted to tell them tonight, before we slipped up and ruined it for them (I SUCK at keeping secrets). Gerrad ran to Walmart and bought some Disney Princess cards and some stickers and a gift bag. I wrote on the card on the inside "Turn Me OVER" and then on the back wrote "We're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!" It was the cutest thing ever, Macie had a similar reaction to how she acted when she opened her ipod touch for Christmas. She is SOOOO her mother's child, and I love every minute of it :o)
Now the video, I can't believe I'm posting this, turn your volume down if you don't want to hear me be a SPAZ, ha!
Addaline's Got Bieber Fever
Almost every morning on the way to preschool, Addaline asks me to turn on Justin Bieber, then she requests multiple times for me to turn it up. Today while we were waiting in line for preschool drop off, she requested that I record her singing and send it to dad, but it was too cute not to post. I love how she just mumbles the words she doesn't know, sounds like her daddy ;) Of course she had to wear her 'movie star' shades as well! That's my girl!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Basement Makeover
I have been wanting to post photos of the new and improved (decor) basement for a while, but then we started to tear apart and remodel G's bathroom which is in the basement right off the family room, so my photos had to wait. Now we're (I say we like I actually did something, ha) finished with it, and everything is semi clean so I figured what better time than now?!
I forgot to take before photos of the bathroom, but take my word for it that this baby needed a re-do. The floor was white tile, and the vanity and sink needed upgraded as well, and the paint color was tan.
I didn't paint the basement, just wanted to change the decor, as it had been plain and in 'transition' stage for like a year, TOO LONG! I could never decide what I wanted to do with it. I'm SO happy with how it turned out, and my new fireplace looks amazing with my new decor ;)
There are a few things I probably could have cleaned up before I took the photos, but ya know, I might have been too lazy
My 'pottery barn' inspired plate wall, I spent less than $20 on this project, and I LOVE how it turned out!
This is the only thing I painted, the yellow rectangle on the wall, and G made the frame and painted it for me. I cut out the letters with my cricut :)
G's bathroom. I LOVE how it turned out as well, the darker floors are so much better, and I'm obsessed with the sink!
This is what I was referring to when I blogged about him getting a steal of a deal on this! And since taking these photos, we added a mirror to the wall above the sink, took us a while to find one that we liked.
So there you have it, that is our family room and bathroom!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was spent watching LOTS of KU Jayhawk basketball, ROCK CHALK baby!
I forgot to take before photos of the bathroom, but take my word for it that this baby needed a re-do. The floor was white tile, and the vanity and sink needed upgraded as well, and the paint color was tan.
I didn't paint the basement, just wanted to change the decor, as it had been plain and in 'transition' stage for like a year, TOO LONG! I could never decide what I wanted to do with it. I'm SO happy with how it turned out, and my new fireplace looks amazing with my new decor ;)
There are a few things I probably could have cleaned up before I took the photos, but ya know, I might have been too lazy
My 'pottery barn' inspired plate wall, I spent less than $20 on this project, and I LOVE how it turned out!
This is the only thing I painted, the yellow rectangle on the wall, and G made the frame and painted it for me. I cut out the letters with my cricut :)
G's bathroom. I LOVE how it turned out as well, the darker floors are so much better, and I'm obsessed with the sink!
This is what I was referring to when I blogged about him getting a steal of a deal on this! And since taking these photos, we added a mirror to the wall above the sink, took us a while to find one that we liked.
So there you have it, that is our family room and bathroom!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was spent watching LOTS of KU Jayhawk basketball, ROCK CHALK baby!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday Confessional
First of all, I want to thank all of you amazing blog readers for your sweet comments yesterday. Y'all had me in tears pretty much right away. I feel truly blessed in 'meeting' all of you and having your support, love and kindness! I got so many comments, emails, texts, made me feel so much better. Thanks ladies! xoxo

It's about that time again, for some Friday Confessional!
I confess... without further adieu, I blogged about the bra that I rigged up for running the other day. Y'all are going to die laughing, or think I'm white trash, either of the 2 are ok with me, ha! I wore 2 nighttime nursing bras because I could not seem to find my sports bras. They worked like a charm, but every once in a while during my run I started randomly cracking up at myself. WHO wears that as a sports bra? ME! Boom! In case you have no idea what I'm referring to, here's a pic...
I confess... maybe I would be a better runner/athlete/exerciser (is that a word?) if I didn't drink so much coffee and diet dr pepper. It is in no way realistic that I will give either of those things up, so I guess I'll cut back a little at least.
I confess... I may have dropped the word 'baby' a few times the other night while talking to G and he didn't cringe and change the subject, this is HUGE!
I confess... that flight prices are really starting to get on my last nerve. Thank you freaking gas prices for continuing to go up and costing me a fortune to fill the tank of my car as well. Disney isn't going to happen if we have to shell out thousands for plane tickets, RIDICULOUS!
I confess... that I become mildly obsessed with 'helping' people out. If you ask me to help you look for a new house, crib bedding, cameras, shoes, etc... I'm not going to stop until I find 8 million options, and let it consume my free time. I'm a freak obviously!
I confess... that I love how my mom always calls us begging to watch the girls. It's always nice to get the call "Can you guys make plans for this weekend so I can have the girls?"
I confess... my toddler may already have this pouting/please buy it for me/I'll love you forever, look down. 2 weeks from today, I scheduled a vacation day to take the girls to Kansas City to the American Girl store so Macie can get glasses for her doll. Now Addaline thinks she needs a 'Bitty Baby' from there, and has been begging and pleading non stop. I told her she needed to work on her daddy, and this is what she came up with. After we filmed the video she said "Mom send this to grandpa D (my dad)!" Do you think she knows who spoils her? OH MY!
Happy Friday everyone!!

It's about that time again, for some Friday Confessional!
I confess... without further adieu, I blogged about the bra that I rigged up for running the other day. Y'all are going to die laughing, or think I'm white trash, either of the 2 are ok with me, ha! I wore 2 nighttime nursing bras because I could not seem to find my sports bras. They worked like a charm, but every once in a while during my run I started randomly cracking up at myself. WHO wears that as a sports bra? ME! Boom! In case you have no idea what I'm referring to, here's a pic...
I confess... maybe I would be a better runner/athlete/exerciser (is that a word?) if I didn't drink so much coffee and diet dr pepper. It is in no way realistic that I will give either of those things up, so I guess I'll cut back a little at least.
I confess... I may have dropped the word 'baby' a few times the other night while talking to G and he didn't cringe and change the subject, this is HUGE!
I confess... that flight prices are really starting to get on my last nerve. Thank you freaking gas prices for continuing to go up and costing me a fortune to fill the tank of my car as well. Disney isn't going to happen if we have to shell out thousands for plane tickets, RIDICULOUS!
I confess... that I become mildly obsessed with 'helping' people out. If you ask me to help you look for a new house, crib bedding, cameras, shoes, etc... I'm not going to stop until I find 8 million options, and let it consume my free time. I'm a freak obviously!
I confess... that I love how my mom always calls us begging to watch the girls. It's always nice to get the call "Can you guys make plans for this weekend so I can have the girls?"
I confess... my toddler may already have this pouting/please buy it for me/I'll love you forever, look down. 2 weeks from today, I scheduled a vacation day to take the girls to Kansas City to the American Girl store so Macie can get glasses for her doll. Now Addaline thinks she needs a 'Bitty Baby' from there, and has been begging and pleading non stop. I told her she needed to work on her daddy, and this is what she came up with. After we filmed the video she said "Mom send this to grandpa D (my dad)!" Do you think she knows who spoils her? OH MY!
Happy Friday everyone!!
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