Hey all! Aly and I have teamed up once again to bring you something super fun to get excited for Spring. I'm hoping my doing this blog swap, our weather will straighten up about the time we do the exchange, one can hope right?! SO.SICK.OF.SNOW.
Anyway, here is a run down of all the details for this awesome swap, sure to make you one happy Spring chick when you receive your gift.

The Nitty Gritty:
{one} Sign up will run today (2/28) through Friday, March 4th at 9 p.m. EST.
{two} To sign up, comment below with the following information:
-Blog Address
-Your email address
{three} Spring Exchange partners will be revealed on Monday, March 7th on my blog, as well as Aly's blog (Analyze This). All participants will also be notified by email with their partner's name and email address.
{four} Please purchase your Spring themed items with a spending amount of $20. Favorite Spring item examples would be: favorite spring colored nail polish, hair accessories, scarves, necklaces/bracelets, books, magazines, candy, etc...
{five} All items must be mailed between Tuesday March 15th and Friday March 18th. We will do a post link up Thursday March 24th for everyone to reveal the items they received!
{six} We ask that all participants with blogs, grab and post our button on their sidebar until the Spring Exchange is over.
And spread the word ladies, the more the merrier Springier right?! Don't forget, the deadline for entry is Friday March 4th!
*Today is the LAST day to enter my CSN Giveaway, don't forget to enter. I'll announce the winner tomorrow.