With out over sharing, Macie has been having some issues at school with friends. Some her fault, other's not her fault. She is learning a hard lesson that all of us females learn, and it's tough on my mom heart to let her make the mistakes, and not be able to control what she says/does. I know children have to figure things out for themselves, but watching them do it, and sometimes fail is HARD.
I try so very hard, to show my girls God's love, and set good examples for them, but I fail on a daily basis. Sometimes I need extra help, from my husband, my mom, friends, etc... I wish there was a handbook I could just pick up when times got rough, and there would be a simple solution for my problem right there in writing. Why hasn't anyone invented this yet?! (Kidding, kind of)
These words are so true.
Sometimes I think I need to give myself a little credit, and try not to be critical. I need to put my controlling nature aside, and give it to the One who knows what's best.
Tonight before bed, the girls and I tried something a little different. We each said one thing that we love about each other, and I wrote them down. I think positive reinforcement/praise is something our family needs to work on. Negativity stays with you for so long, and breaks you down. I want to make a change for the girls, so I'm praying this sticks. Conveniently, in the girls' devotional tonight, the topic was about loving yourself. Thanks for the sign, God.

I feel you, Molly! Haven is only three, but I notice that I get my point across better with the positive words. Heck, even with my husband! But it's so hard to be calm and have that control. No one is perfect. We all probably lose our temper more than what we should/want to, just we all don't blog about it and are as honest as you.
I love the white board idea. I hope Macie's week gets better with friends. :)
sorry she is going through a rough time with friends. That is always a hard one...hey I am going through it now and I am 33. You are a great mommy and you will steer her the right way. Don't be so hard on you...I wish there was a book too....hey wanna write one lol...we could make millions lol just kidding kind of ha! OK so How awesome to write down positive things about each other...Kelcee and I do that every night...we don't write it down but we say it. Hang in there pretty girl...this to shall pass.
I love the board with the positive things about you all. You are such a great mom Molly. No one is perfect and I believe it is soooooo hard (I can only imagine for now) but you are doing the best you can! Your girls know how much you love them and that is more important than anything.
I hope the issues at school resolve for Macie. Being a girl is HARD. Especially at that age.
Love the idea of doing the positive things at night before bed. I have a 9 year old, so I totally understand. Raising girls is so hard, and it's even harder knowing that you can't be with them each and everytime they encounter a rough issue, especially when it come to friends.
Being a girl is hard, heck I'm 28 and I'm still learning :)
I'm so so sorry to hear you're going through a rough time. You are an awesome mom so don't be too hard on yourself! Praying things smooth over soon. :)
Love this post!!!! Being a girl your daughter's age is so tough! She's lucky she has such a great mom!
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