Friday, May 29, 2009
My Little Pigtailed Princess
Sail Fly Away
We're staying at an all inclusive resort in Ocho Rios and are planning on doing lots of fun excursions and just enjoying spending time with some friends and each other. My hubby is the greatest and I love getting some 'us' time like this when we go on vacation.

So I've been trying to get to Hobby Lobby for a week or so now to get the supplies to make some flower hair clips for me and the girls. Everything was on sale that I needed to make them last night when I went and all the material to make 2 hair clips only cost me $6.50, SCORE! I was definitely inspired by a fellow bloggers creativity so I wanted to give it a shot myself since I love fun hair clips for Addaline and after trying one myself I was convinced I need to give it a try. I think they turned out pretty good. The 2ND flower shown is a coral color and the beads are silver and yellow, I don't think I LOVE the yellow so I might try to remove them. I'm thinking about starting up a store on Etsy to sell these, what do you think?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday- Nursery/Kids Room Edition

**We'll start with Macie's room since she's the oldest and all, I think we might have gone a little overboard with the polka dots but she LOVES her room and spends lots of time playing in there.
I added a piece of artwork above her bed a while back, this picture is a little old

View from the door. I made the letters above her bed
Thanks for checking out my children's bedrooms, I hope you enjoyed them. To check out more awesome nurseries and kiddo's bedrooms head on over to Kelly's Korner and get inspired...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Last week one of the most inspirational bloggers I've come across approached her due date with her sweet baby girl still in utero which is truly a miracle that only God should be credited for. Her daughter April Rose was diagnosed with a few birth defects and was told their only chance of meeting her was to induce immediately and hope that she survived the birthing process. Here they are MANY weeks later and she is still alive in utero and has a strong heartbeat which was once not looking too well either. Last week was 'Hoping in Pink' day in honor of 'B' (April's mom) making it to her due date, anyone who reads her blog took pictures of themselves wearing pink so here is my picture. God bless this precious baby girl and her mother and father. To read April Rose's journey please click here.
This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and we definitely enjoyed the extra day off. Our neighborhood garage sale was this weekend which we participated in and did wonderful for only having it open one day. I got rid of lots of junk that was laying around, quite a few clothes of mine, a few of Gerrad's and Macie's summer clothes from last year that no longer fit her since she hit a HUGE growth spurt this winter. She grew a little over 2 inches in a matter of month, grew 2 1/2 shoe sizes in the same time as well, and about 4 lbs. She will be taller than me in NO time. We are only about 5 shoe sizes away from each other, I can get on her flip flops and my heels only hang off a LITTLE bit, SHEESH! The rest of our weekend was spent working on our privacy fence that blew over on the North side of our yard a few months ago. We are almost finished and I can honestly say that I have put just as much sweat equity into it as my husband which makes me pretty proud of myself! We had a BBQ at my in laws house which was a good time spent with family and GREAT food as always. My camera has been acting up so that is why I have a shortage of pictures lately.
Gerrad and I are officially on the home stretch of getting ready for our Jamaican vacation that is quickly approaching (4 days but whose counting?). I have done so much laundry that I'm questioning myself of why I always do this and wait until the last minute to do all the laundry in the house. Not only do we have to pack everything we need, we have to make sure the house is all ready for the grandparents to come and stay with the girls there. Washing sheets, towels, grocery shopping, it never ends! I'm going to NEED this vacation by the time it arrives. Please pray for our safe travels and for our girls to adjust for the week while we're away. I'm sure they'll have a blast partying it up with their grandparents but this momma will be a blubbering mess and missing them like C.R.A.Z.Y!!
So that's the latest in the Hall household. What have you been up to lately? Do you have any exciting vacation plans for the summer?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Victory is MINE Kris Allen's

So as you all know I've voiced my opinion
Me: So who do you REALLY think is going to win tonight? Think long and hard before you answer that question.
Gerrad: I'm not really sure, want to make a bet about it?
Me: Sure, bring it on! I'm CERTAIN that Kris will win, how sure are you?
Gerrad: I bet you a million dollars that ADAM wins!
Ok now flash back to the show as I press play... The next American Idol is....
KRIS ALLEN (in Ryan Seacrest's radio voice)!!!!!!
I then LEAPT off the couch, over the huge ottoman (yes I'm apparently a hurdler) and into the middle of the family room and was squealing with delight. I was shaking my groove thing all over the place, actually jumped on Gerrad on the couch and was saying 'WHOOOO HOOOOO' right in his ear. How immature so very mature and age appropriate am I?! If only my husband really had that million dollars that he bet me, I'd be RICH!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The One Where I Complain
Last night Gerrad and I decided after dinner that we wanted to take the girls to a park to play. It was a B.E.A-utiful evening and we didn't want to waste it sitting inside watching TV or doing any other chore inside. We went to a nearby Lake and played on the playground for just a little bit, why just a little bit you ask? Because we were surrounded by foul mouth little kids that had NO business speaking the way they were and I did NOT want my children around them. At one point I recall uttering
I am very strict with my children, my 6 yr old is not allowed to say many words such as hate, stupid, shut up, etc... let alone cuss words. What is wrong with parents today where they think it's alright for their children to talk like that? How do you explain rationally to a 6 yr old that we had to leave the park because mommy didn't want her to learn all those bad words those naughty kids were saying? It was rough! I am no angel and I will be the first to admit it, I swear sometimes, I try really hard not to and I NEVER do it in front of my children.
How strict are you with your children? Would you speak up and say something if you were in a public situation where profanity was being used in front of your child? I just wanted to complain...

Monday, May 18, 2009
Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Friday night we did NOT have a fabulous time with our friends at dinner discussing all the fun things we are NOT going to do on our approaching vacation to Jamaica, we would never get everyone together to talk about such exciting things. Nope NOT me!
Saturday morning I did NOT get a little giddy when Macie got all of her dance recital costumes and tried them on for us.
Saturday night I did NOT enjoy a piece of brownie sundae cheesecake for dinner and did NOT practically drool just thinking about it on the way to Kansas City. I also did NOT laugh hysterically and almost wet myself laughing at one of the opening acts for Dane Cook as he talked about macaroni and cheese, who jokes about macaroni and cheese?!
Gerrad did NOT pull out one of Macie's top teeth tonight with a pair of pliers and I would NOT ever post a picture about it. My daughter is NOT brave and did not beg her dad to pull it out with the pliers, what a goof ball!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Date Night and Sunday Fun Day
Sunday morning we went to church and listened to a fabulous sermon, as usual! Then we decided since it was going to be such a gorgeous day out we would take the girls to ride the train at Gage Park. Addaline and Macie LOVE the train and could ride it over and over, Addaline just squeals in delight when she sees it pull up and we start to load the tiny train. We also discovered a new favorite for Addaline, the Carousel... she was a bit nervous to try it out but once it got going she couldn't be happier. Macie LOVES it as well and just laughs and laughs. I'll let the pictures do the talking of our wonderful family afternoon...