Monday, June 29, 2009
Not Me Monday

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday Sunday- Master Bedroom Edition

Welcome and thanks for joining me for another week of 'Show Us Where You Live Friday' over at Kelly's Korner. This week is the master bedroom edition which is definitely not my favorite room in the house but I wanted to share anyhow. This is the room I have put the least amount of effort into since we bought this home in March '08. I LOVE to decorate but for some reason have constantly put this room on the back burner, so to speak.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Chick Flick Movie Night

Here is the synopsis of the movie...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday Thursday
Sending out an S.O.S
Thankfully Gerrad is coming home tonight and you better believe when I say this weekend I will be taking full advantage of the extra set of hands for the girls. While Addaline is sleeping right now I have FINALLY taken a shower, unpacked our suitcases from Jamaica (RIDICULOUS I know), started a few loads of laundry and caught up on the blogs I follow.
We have an exciting weekend planned and I'm more than ready to get it started tomorrow night after work. Macie has a picnic at camp tomorrow evening for all the family members of the campers, we get to go and see what they do on a daily basis and then have a family swim time for a few hours as well. I'm pretty excited to see what she does and what makes her days such a blast. Then Saturday evening we have a small BBQ at some of our best friends new home and I'm SUPER excited to catch up with everyone and enjoy a few hours with my hubby.
Thanks for letting me complain a little =) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Oh and here is a picture of my little sicky and how we've spent the past 2.5 days, she's still cute even when she's sick!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What a Day!!
Yesterday my day was spent trying to keep a 6 yr old down ALL day because she woke up in the middle of the night and early morning with a sky high fever and shivering. That is not an easy task, let me tell you! She thought she was fine all day and tried to get up and play numerous times... needless to say she probably thinks her mommy is the devil for getting on her so much yesterday. She didn't run a fever the rest of the day (after early morning) so that was a plus.
Then in the afternoon... Addaline's eye started to get red and goopy (yes that's a word). Started when she got up from her nap around 3pm and by 5:30pm it was disgusting and I just knew a Dr's visit and pink eye were in order. So, we all got dressed at 5:30pm *remember we stayed home all day so we had no reason to be dressed and ready* and headed to Walgreen's Take Care Clinic for Miss Addaline and her eye. She HATES Dr's with a fiery passion and pretty much screamed until the exam portion was over and then she was the Dr's new BFF, my child the drama queen, wonder where she gets that from?! Come to find out, Addaline has her first ever ear infection, a double ear infection at that-go big or go home right? AND the infection spread to her nose and eye causing a runny nose and say it with me 'PINK EYE'. So I'm home another day today with the 2nd kiddo who is still sleeping and I'm enjoying every minute of the silence. She has to be away from daycare for 24 hours so she'll be OK to go back tomorrow thankfully. Macie was able to go back to camp today so it should be a little less hectic here trying to keep her down and resting.
Here is my sweet baby eating some cheese with her right eye almost swollen shut. By the end of the night my husband said she looked like a boxer had gotten a hold of her and punched her in the eye =( Hopefully this is our one and only bout of ear infections and pink eye (wishful thinking I'm sure)!!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
To start the weekend off the girls and I were NOT super excited to see Gerrad on Friday evening as he had been working out of town all week. I did NOT appreciate him being home and having an extra set of hands for the kids the rest of the weekend either. We did NOT take it easy Friday night and enjoy watching a movie together and just enjoying the silence after the girls went to bed--nope NOT us!
The girls and I did NOT have a blast at a friends son's birthday party and eat way too much cake. I did NOT snap this cute picture of the girls in the car before the party!
Saturday as I mentioned before in a previous post... my husband did NOT stick his size 13 foot through our ceiling in the formal living room leaving a gaping hole to be fixed. Father's Day was NOT spent separately in the afternoon while the girls and I went to my dad's and Gerrad went to his mom and dad's to assist with some home improvement projects... I was NOT secretly a little bummed about it as well. I did NOT nearly have a heart attack when my dad decided it was a good idea to let my 6 yr old drive his lawn tractor to help pick up limbs in his yard. She did NOT surprise me and do a fabulous job... that is after she did NOT nearly drive the tractor into the ditch in my dad's front yard.. AHH!!
It was NOT so bloody hot outside that I stripped my soaking wet with sweat, toddler down to her diaper cover and diaper in my dad's front yard.
This is NOT the only nap that the soaking wet with sweat toddler received yesterday as well. She did surprisingly well sans nap. The girls and I did NOT spend the rest of the afternoon/evening playing on their slip and slide and the little kiddie pool and having the time of our lives!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Addition to An Already Awesome Giveaway!!!
If you're feeling in a giving mood and want to contribute to their adoption and register to win a MACBook and a few other cool prizes click HERE!!!

This Is What Happens...
Happy Father's Day to Gerrad... hope he doesn't mind doing a patch job on his special day tomorrow?! We have a huge party coming up in 2 weeks so he's got until then to get it done.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday- Play Room/Bonus Room Edition
This is where we spend all our time together when we are inside. Currently it is my husband's domain and he has chosen to have it decorated in a sports theme which is getting ready to be re-done. We have decided this fall when the weather starts getting cold and we want to take on a home improvement project this is where we will start. I don't want to paint it or anything, just want to redecorate with a more adult/classier theme. My husband is a HUGE Texas Longhorns fan and I am a Kansas Jayhawk fan so that's why we have so many different teams in this room.
Calling all Followers Bloggers for Cake Advice
These are pretty basic and I could make them super fast I'm certain