What I'm Loving Wednesday! Head on over to Jamie's blog to play along!
I'm loving.... that Gerrad picked me up this book Friday night, and I've been hooked ever since. I don't have an abundance of time to read, but am already a good portion of the way through it. Can't wait to finish it and go see the movie!
I'm loving... These shoes from Payless for Addaline, however I'm not loving the price tag. I'm waiting for them to go on sale a bit more before I buy them for her. If they made them in my size, I'd be all over it!
I'm loving... From last nights episode of Glee, LOVED this song! I've probably listened to it a million times already!
I'm Loving... These sandals for myself, from Payless!
I'm loving... These gray TOMS! Mother's Day is coming up, and these babies are at the top of my list, hint hint G :o) I better start putting the bug in the girls' ear about these so they can pass the word along to their dad!
I'm loving... This dress from Old Navy. I MUST go try it on!
I'm loving... That Gerrad is taking the time to work out in the yard this weekend. Our backyard is in desperate need of some attention, and thankfully this weekend, it will get it! I'm hoping I can help him out (a little ;)) as well.
I'm loving... That Friday I took a vacation day, and I'm going to try my hand at some more golfing, and enjoy spending the day with my best 3 year old. I'm also loving that Friday night we'll be enjoying some time with our friends at the Royals game, yay!
I'm loving... Helping my friend Sheena brainstorm baby girl names, it's been so fun. I just love all things baby, especially sweet baby girls!
What are your favorite things this week??
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter 2011
Our Easter was such a wonderful day! Saturday evening my mom came over to hang out with the girls and I, while Gerrad had a guys night. She gave the girls their gifts, and they spent the evening playing with them. Sunday morning my dad came over first thing before church, to give the girls, and Gerrad and I, our cards and $. We all collectively decided we'd put the cash in our 'Disney Savings,' which the girls have been working hard to build up.
We headed off to church for breakfast, and an AMAZING service! Our service at church was a little different than normal, but I loved it. We sang quite a few songs, and just enjoyed worshiping with our friends. Our music team (which happens to be run by some of our best friends), rocked the house with a few solo performances yesterday (Carrie you had me in tears girl, so talented). We sang a new (to us) song that will definitely be one of my new favorites, Jesus Paid it All, such a great song!
After church the girls got to hunt for eggs at church, they had such a wonderful time, and I got some super cute photos of them. We went to my in laws for lunch, and spent the afternoon there. Great food and great company! I've been wanting to take up golfing, so yesterday afternoon we ran home and got my clubs, and Gerrad taught me some basics. My in laws live on a golf course, so we hit balls from their backyard, onto the course. Needless to say, I played softball for WAY to many years. Gerrad probably said, no less than 800 times "Keep your head DOWN!" I didn't even realize I was pulling my head up, looking for where I wanted the ball to go, instead of looking AT the ball. WHOOPS! Thankfully Gerrad was SO patient with me, and constructively worked with me. I was a little nervous that we would not work well together during this experience, but he was great, God bless him, I'm a mess! I'm such a perfectionist, so not picking right up on it was driving me crazy!
Here is a photo overload of our Easter! I realized from looking at these photos, we're facing the sun, a LOT, and that I'm ALWAYS the one behind the camera!
Our first attempt at a family photo in our backyard, not my favorite, but cute of the girls!
This girl doesn't have a 'regular' smile, it's always "CHEEEEEEESE" ha!
Makenna, Macie, Addaline and Emma
Addaline and Makenna checking out what's in some of their eggs
Running through the field, they had such a wonderful time!
Macie with a mouth full of gum. This girl pretty much boycotted the camera ALL DAY {sigh}
Makenna, Addaline, Adelyn and Macie, love these girls!
Melisa and I
My best girls!
Addaline and our niece Kamryn, aka double trouble ;)
Kamryn just wanted to know what was in her eggs, she wasn't as worried about finding them as Addaline was. They were a hoot together!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, however you celebrated it. We are blessed beyond measure, and I'm so grateful for our amazing church, wonderful friends, and loving family!
We headed off to church for breakfast, and an AMAZING service! Our service at church was a little different than normal, but I loved it. We sang quite a few songs, and just enjoyed worshiping with our friends. Our music team (which happens to be run by some of our best friends), rocked the house with a few solo performances yesterday (Carrie you had me in tears girl, so talented). We sang a new (to us) song that will definitely be one of my new favorites, Jesus Paid it All, such a great song!
After church the girls got to hunt for eggs at church, they had such a wonderful time, and I got some super cute photos of them. We went to my in laws for lunch, and spent the afternoon there. Great food and great company! I've been wanting to take up golfing, so yesterday afternoon we ran home and got my clubs, and Gerrad taught me some basics. My in laws live on a golf course, so we hit balls from their backyard, onto the course. Needless to say, I played softball for WAY to many years. Gerrad probably said, no less than 800 times "Keep your head DOWN!" I didn't even realize I was pulling my head up, looking for where I wanted the ball to go, instead of looking AT the ball. WHOOPS! Thankfully Gerrad was SO patient with me, and constructively worked with me. I was a little nervous that we would not work well together during this experience, but he was great, God bless him, I'm a mess! I'm such a perfectionist, so not picking right up on it was driving me crazy!
Here is a photo overload of our Easter! I realized from looking at these photos, we're facing the sun, a LOT, and that I'm ALWAYS the one behind the camera!
Our first attempt at a family photo in our backyard, not my favorite, but cute of the girls!
This girl doesn't have a 'regular' smile, it's always "CHEEEEEEESE" ha!
Makenna, Macie, Addaline and Emma
Addaline and Makenna checking out what's in some of their eggs
Running through the field, they had such a wonderful time!
Macie with a mouth full of gum. This girl pretty much boycotted the camera ALL DAY {sigh}
Makenna, Addaline, Adelyn and Macie, love these girls!
Melisa and I
My best girls!
Addaline and our niece Kamryn, aka double trouble ;)
Kamryn just wanted to know what was in her eggs, she wasn't as worried about finding them as Addaline was. They were a hoot together!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, however you celebrated it. We are blessed beyond measure, and I'm so grateful for our amazing church, wonderful friends, and loving family!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday Confessional

It's Friday, which means it's time to confess all your dirty (I have no dirty secrets, unless dirty diaper secrets count?) secrets from the week
I confess... I have been obsessing about 'Water for Elephants' this week. I NEED to buy the book asap, but I really want to see the movie this weekend... what to do? See the movie before reading the book, or just get some patience and read the darn book THEN see the movie?
I confess... It annoys me to no end that my husband has Friday's off. I know he works hard all week to get Friday's off, but it annoys me because it's not fair. Yes, I'm a big baby!
I confess... This week I have talked about children's bowel movements more than I ever thought I could in my life, you're welcome!
I confess... I'm SO ready for an adult night out next week when we go to the Royals baseball game with all our friends. $1 night, baseball and our best friends, YES please!
I confess... There needs to be some type of 'volleyball mom' sticker instead of soccer mom, this week Macie has played vball 4 days, that's right, 4 days! This kid ought to be darn good by her 2 games tomorrow.
I confess... My life is fairly boring, I have no huge things to confess, but Friday's are my favorite, partly for this blog topic reason :)
I confess... I sent my friend Melisa a text this morning that read 'I would sell a kidney right now, if you would bring me a cup of plain coffee if you have some made.' Sure enough, when she brought her sweet babe over, she was armed with a LARGE travel mug of coffee. This is why we're friends, she speaks my friend love language ;) Thanks again Mel!
I confess... If you're celebrating Easter this weekend, between all the 'holiday fluff' and egg hunts, you should take a moment and be grateful for the One who gave His life for you!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Baby Par-tay!
Some of our best friends had a party Friday night to reveal the gender of their sweet babe. It was such a great time, and a fun way to announce what you're having, instead of posting it to facebook/twitter, or sending a mass text message. We were so happy to be included in their special day, and can't wait to meet this sweet babe late this summer!
The party was at a restaurant so Sheena wanted to keep the decorations to a minimum, they all turned out so adorable though!
All the little pink and blue touches were perfect!
The inside of the cake held the key to the gender revelation, so exciting! When they cut the cake we all got to find out what it will be! So fun to all find out together!
Mommy and big sister to be, they both were placing their bet on another sweet girl!
My (cheesey) baby thought it was for sure going to be a boy! She even wore a bunch of blue silly bandz as well, too cute!
The happy family! I think daddy was pulling for a little blue in the house!
Cutting the cake.....
It's a..... GIRL :)
Adam and Sheena, we couldn't be more excited to meet this precious baby girl this summer. Maybe she'll even share a birthday with big sister, Macie, 'Aunt' Tracy, 'Aunt' Ashley or 'Aunt' Molly! We're so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends to celebrate these fun milestones with!
P.S. Want the chance to 'Pay it Forward?' Find out how, HERE!!
The party was at a restaurant so Sheena wanted to keep the decorations to a minimum, they all turned out so adorable though!
All the little pink and blue touches were perfect!
The inside of the cake held the key to the gender revelation, so exciting! When they cut the cake we all got to find out what it will be! So fun to all find out together!
Mommy and big sister to be, they both were placing their bet on another sweet girl!
My (cheesey) baby thought it was for sure going to be a boy! She even wore a bunch of blue silly bandz as well, too cute!
The happy family! I think daddy was pulling for a little blue in the house!
Cutting the cake.....
It's a..... GIRL :)
Adam and Sheena, we couldn't be more excited to meet this precious baby girl this summer. Maybe she'll even share a birthday with big sister, Macie, 'Aunt' Tracy, 'Aunt' Ashley or 'Aunt' Molly! We're so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends to celebrate these fun milestones with!
P.S. Want the chance to 'Pay it Forward?' Find out how, HERE!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
I'm One of THOSE Moms!
How many of you mom's like to match your families for Easter? Don't tell me I'm the only one? I actually bought my dress first this year, and decided to match everyone in my fam from there. I'm sure my husband thoroughly appreciates that {NOT}. I am usually quite the tightwad, if you know me in real life, you're laughing right now. It took me a while to convince myself to spend $30 on this dress (I've turned into such the opposite of my teen years), but knew I'd wear it all summer, and if I'm being super honest, I RARELY shop for myself. The girls dresses, I found at Old Navy, and they couldn't be more perfect. I like to match the kids sometimes, but not have them wearing the same thing, just matching style I guess. Gerrad is easy, all I had to do was just pick a button down shirt for him to coordinate with us :)
Here's my dress. This photo definitely doesn't do it justice, it's cream, light pink, charcoal grey and tan.
Here is Addaline's dress, it's a light tan color, and the flower and trim has a bit of gold thread.
Gerrad gets off the hook with just wearing a pink button down
Macie's dress, which I LOVE! If they made it in my size, and it wouldn't make my hips look ginormous, I'd totally wear it :)
I'm hoping I can get a few decent family photos at church, or after! The girls are SO excited about hunting for eggs (Addaline more so than Macie). I got them some fun stuff for vacation for their Easter baskets. A few plain shirts that I can make into cute shirts for Disney, tote bags for them to help me decorate as their carry on's for the plane, and a LITTLE bit of candy (I'm a nazi about them eating too much candy).
Stay tuned for some super fun pics from a gender reveal party that we went to for some of our best friends, Friday night! I'll post them tomorrow! Hope y'all are having a great Monday!
Here's my dress. This photo definitely doesn't do it justice, it's cream, light pink, charcoal grey and tan.
Here is Addaline's dress, it's a light tan color, and the flower and trim has a bit of gold thread.
Gerrad gets off the hook with just wearing a pink button down
Macie's dress, which I LOVE! If they made it in my size, and it wouldn't make my hips look ginormous, I'd totally wear it :)
I'm hoping I can get a few decent family photos at church, or after! The girls are SO excited about hunting for eggs (Addaline more so than Macie). I got them some fun stuff for vacation for their Easter baskets. A few plain shirts that I can make into cute shirts for Disney, tote bags for them to help me decorate as their carry on's for the plane, and a LITTLE bit of candy (I'm a nazi about them eating too much candy).
Stay tuned for some super fun pics from a gender reveal party that we went to for some of our best friends, Friday night! I'll post them tomorrow! Hope y'all are having a great Monday!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Truth
I couldn't think of a deserving enough title for this post in all honesty. Sunday was such an emotional roller coaster of a day for me. If you're not all about making a difference, surrendering your life to the One who gave you life, then this post is NOT for you. I love a good light hearted, funny post just as much as the next guy, but this is real life, and MY blog (which I constantly have to remind myself of), so bear with me!
I had been waiting for Sunday for a few months, since I heard a couple from Manna Worldwide was coming to speak at our church. They are close friends of the pastor, and have the most amazing hearts for God. I definitely wasn't prepared for what I felt that day. Our morning started off totally chaotic at 5:30am (3 hours earlier than my alarm was set for), so I was already feeling super tired, over emotional, not a good combo for the sermon we were going to be hearing, oy! Sunday during praise and worship, I felt something, something that I had never felt before while singing. I cried while singing the words, and truly hearing the meaning behind what I was saying. Make sense? I sing along every week at church, and love the songs, but something about that day was different. Maybe I was delirious from our morning, or maybe it was more.
Right away after singing, we watched a video full of children, women, missionaries, etc.. from a Village called Kibera in Kenya, Africa. That is where the couple spends most of their time, running a food bank, and doing so much more. The photos touched me deeply, the statistics made me sick to my stomach. We are seriously spoiled as Americans. They talked about how people in that village live on $1-$2 a day, a DAY, people! I don't know about you, but my household makes significantly more than that, and I couldn't even fathom what that would be like. I have been praying for God to break my heart, to show me hurt like I've never known. Although selfishly as I prayed for those things, I prayed that the hurt not come from anything to do with my family, talk about control freak.
I decided that just standing by and being an observer is no longer enough for me. I WANT to do something, I HAVE to do something! I took the leap and decided to sponsor a child, and also inquired about going on a trip to Africa, or wherever it works out that I can go. I'm putting it up to the One who knows the need. Starting in September I'll start fundraising, and starting immediately after we return from Disney, I'll start saving for this trip. It will most definitely be the most eye opening experience I've ever been through in my life, no doubt. These people don't have running water, they use the restroom in holes in the ground, they live 8-10 people in a 10x10 'hut.' It's just heartbreaking, but they don't know any other way, and seem so happy to just be alive.
Gerrad was asking me last night if I was really serious about going on a trip, and if I thought I could really make it, being away from the kids for 2 weeks. I am scared to death (keeping it real), but I KNOW that I could do it. I know it's for a wonderful cause, and my friend Melisa and I discussed that when Macie and Makenna are old enough, we'd like to take them as well.
I'm not telling you these things to make you feel like you need to give, I am not a spokesperson for Manna Worldwide, I am only one person, who wants to make the difference, even if it is just by doing what I can to sponsor a child. I want to be changed, and this is where it starts!
I know that there is need in our own backyards so to speak, as well. Things like helping at local food banks, donating clothes, paying it forward every chance you get. I plan to do all of the above as well. I want to set a good example for my children, to teach them what love looks like.
P.S. This post would not be complete if I didn't fill you all in on our CRAZY morning Sunday. Our dog Riley (yellow lab that we inherited from my dad because the girls just adore her), had a seizure Sunday morning around 5:30-5:45am. She has never, that we're aware of, had one before. It scared the holy crap out of me, and I immediately started crying and called my dad to come over, apparently I keep forgetting Riley is OUR dog now and not his. After about 10-15 minutes she was completely fine, and spent the rest of the morning just laying around and resting. Gerrad looked up some information online (Dr Google) and found that seizures are common in dogs, and we need not worry unless it becomes a regular thing. Then at 7am when I try to go back to bed for a bit, I notice a wasp on the ceiling, I go get Gerrad
Then Tuesday, a trash man hit a power pole in my neighborhood, knocking out power to a strip of our block for roughly 9-10 hours. No power= not being able to use the garage to get into the house. That was real special, trying to figure out what to do with 5 kids, 3 of which need diapers, 1 needs bottles, formula, etc... Thankfully I was able to get Addaline through one of the windows, so she could let me in the front door to get what we needed. Talk about stressful situation, thankfully I have awesome daycare parents so it all worked out!
I'm ready for a little calm after the storm this weekend!
I had been waiting for Sunday for a few months, since I heard a couple from Manna Worldwide was coming to speak at our church. They are close friends of the pastor, and have the most amazing hearts for God. I definitely wasn't prepared for what I felt that day. Our morning started off totally chaotic at 5:30am (3 hours earlier than my alarm was set for), so I was already feeling super tired, over emotional, not a good combo for the sermon we were going to be hearing, oy! Sunday during praise and worship, I felt something, something that I had never felt before while singing. I cried while singing the words, and truly hearing the meaning behind what I was saying. Make sense? I sing along every week at church, and love the songs, but something about that day was different. Maybe I was delirious from our morning, or maybe it was more.
Right away after singing, we watched a video full of children, women, missionaries, etc.. from a Village called Kibera in Kenya, Africa. That is where the couple spends most of their time, running a food bank, and doing so much more. The photos touched me deeply, the statistics made me sick to my stomach. We are seriously spoiled as Americans. They talked about how people in that village live on $1-$2 a day, a DAY, people! I don't know about you, but my household makes significantly more than that, and I couldn't even fathom what that would be like. I have been praying for God to break my heart, to show me hurt like I've never known. Although selfishly as I prayed for those things, I prayed that the hurt not come from anything to do with my family, talk about control freak.
I decided that just standing by and being an observer is no longer enough for me. I WANT to do something, I HAVE to do something! I took the leap and decided to sponsor a child, and also inquired about going on a trip to Africa, or wherever it works out that I can go. I'm putting it up to the One who knows the need. Starting in September I'll start fundraising, and starting immediately after we return from Disney, I'll start saving for this trip. It will most definitely be the most eye opening experience I've ever been through in my life, no doubt. These people don't have running water, they use the restroom in holes in the ground, they live 8-10 people in a 10x10 'hut.' It's just heartbreaking, but they don't know any other way, and seem so happy to just be alive.
Gerrad was asking me last night if I was really serious about going on a trip, and if I thought I could really make it, being away from the kids for 2 weeks. I am scared to death (keeping it real), but I KNOW that I could do it. I know it's for a wonderful cause, and my friend Melisa and I discussed that when Macie and Makenna are old enough, we'd like to take them as well.
I'm not telling you these things to make you feel like you need to give, I am not a spokesperson for Manna Worldwide, I am only one person, who wants to make the difference, even if it is just by doing what I can to sponsor a child. I want to be changed, and this is where it starts!
I know that there is need in our own backyards so to speak, as well. Things like helping at local food banks, donating clothes, paying it forward every chance you get. I plan to do all of the above as well. I want to set a good example for my children, to teach them what love looks like.
P.S. This post would not be complete if I didn't fill you all in on our CRAZY morning Sunday. Our dog Riley (yellow lab that we inherited from my dad because the girls just adore her), had a seizure Sunday morning around 5:30-5:45am. She has never, that we're aware of, had one before. It scared the holy crap out of me, and I immediately started crying and called my dad to come over, apparently I keep forgetting Riley is OUR dog now and not his. After about 10-15 minutes she was completely fine, and spent the rest of the morning just laying around and resting. Gerrad looked up some information online (Dr Google) and found that seizures are common in dogs, and we need not worry unless it becomes a regular thing. Then at 7am when I try to go back to bed for a bit, I notice a wasp on the ceiling, I go get Gerrad
Then Tuesday, a trash man hit a power pole in my neighborhood, knocking out power to a strip of our block for roughly 9-10 hours. No power= not being able to use the garage to get into the house. That was real special, trying to figure out what to do with 5 kids, 3 of which need diapers, 1 needs bottles, formula, etc... Thankfully I was able to get Addaline through one of the windows, so she could let me in the front door to get what we needed. Talk about stressful situation, thankfully I have awesome daycare parents so it all worked out!
I'm ready for a little calm after the storm this weekend!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Blog Weight Loss Challenge

I know today is Friday, which typically means Friday confessional, but I wanted to take a quick minute to blog about this awesome blog weight loss challenge, hosted by the lovely Lindsey at Mr and Mrs Smith and Rachel at Running Backwards in High Heels. These gals are amazing, and I'm so glad I get to participate in this!
For the longest time, I haven't had to worry about what I ate. I have (since high school) maintained the same size, even after having 2 children. I was definitely lucky in that area, but lately it's all caught up to me. I'm up a good 20 lbs more than I'd like to admit, and it's really getting me down. Although I seem to keep stuffing food in my mouth, and not doing anything to rectify the situation. I'm not used to struggling with weight, and my body image. Who knew at 27 I would be so down on myself? I've definitely come to love looser fitting clothing, things that do not hug my midsection, etc... I keep telling myself that I'll start watching what I eat and working out, and then I don't. This challenge I think, will definitely help hold me accountable, and help me keep track of my weight loss goal. I'd like to lose roughly 20 lbs, which would put me at the weight I was, post Addaline and breastfeeding.
I plan to start Monday, and this weekend I guess will be my last hoorah. Hubs and I are doing dinner and movie tonight with a few friends, and tomorrow we've got a super busy day. I'll eat responsibly all weekend, I just won't be watching every single calorie. I decided next week starts me going to the gym 3 mornings a week. I KNOW I can do it, I just need to figure out what work out plan I'm going to use. Any suggestions? I'm not a runner, so I'll walk briskly on the treadmill for a while, and then do some free weights, sit ups, and after that I'm stumped.
I'll have Gerrad take a photo of me this weekend and I'll post it Monday, to document how far I come through this journey. I am hoping by posting this on my blog, and having lots of great women going through the same thing, and holding me accountable, that I'll succeed with this! And lots of prayer :o) I cut out soda from my diet 2 weeks ago, and definitely feel less bloated, which is nice. I still need my morning coffee, but I'm OK with that. I'm going to be counting calories for the most part. And mainly just eating sensibly, paying attention to portions, etc...
Here goes nothing, wish me luck! EEK! I'll be linking up weekly to show my results, and I'll also take a before and after photo, which will mainly be to help me remind me why I started this!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
About Me!!
Hey all! This post is a little tidbit on me for all the lovely ladies going to the Dallas Blogger Meetup. Jenn thought it would be a good idea if we all did a post with a little information about us, so we couldn't thoroughly stalk read up on all the lovely ladies that are going!
So if this is your first time visiting my blog... This is ME, my hubs Gerrad and our 2 cutie daughters Macie (oldest) and Addaline (youngest).
I'm a fairly laid back person, unless it involves making plans, or cleaning my house, then I'm completely OCD (which Gerrad LOVES about me, ha). I love to laugh, and can pretty much make myself laugh at just about anything. I'm a glass half full kind of gal, and can pretty much find a positive in any situation.
I do daycare, and have been lucky enough to be home with Addaline (and Macie during the summer) for the past year and a half. It was definitely an adjustment for me for the first few months, but now I'm acclimated and LOVE every minute of it. My daycare kids are like my 'own' kids, and I adore them all (I watch 4 kiddos, I wanted to keep it small).
I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. I'd pick dessert over a full meal any day of the week. 'Life is short, eat dessert first.'
I hate when people are late, it drives me crazy.
I am on a huge coffee kick, probably because I just gave up diet dr pepper, it was like crack for me (no not for lent). Now I've switched to coffee, but it keep it to 2 cups in the morning :)
Gerrad and I have been blessed with the B.E.S.T. group of friends anyone could ever ask for. They are our church family, and we pretty much spend every waking weekend minute together. Our kids are all growing up together, and I am truly thankful for such amazing people, daily!
We also have the best family in the world, whom I'm thankful for more than I probably express!
I love the smell of clean sheets, but hate to do laundry (makes sense huh?).
I love reading, although it takes me forever to read a book it seems.
My (random) dream job is to be a lactation consultant. I absolutely loved nursing Addaline (I was too young and stupid with Macie), and would love to support breastfeeding for a living. That, and to own my own children's boutique!
I love the color pink.
I'm obsessed with buying clothes for my girls, although I've curbed my obsession over the past year or so after many nagging convos from G.
I want another baby someday (I think, see I can't make up my mind), if it's God's plan for our family. Although I am seriously reconsidering after my sister in law sent me a text today saying that she had a dream I was pregnant, with TWIN BOYS! Oh my WORD, no thanks!
I feel like being a part of the blog world has taught me to appreciate every day that I have with my family and friends, and not take anything for granted. There is so much hurt in the world, and I feel beyond blessed to just be happy!
I love some of the most random music ever, and it drives Gerrad crazy! When I make a cd, it could have anything from rap, country, Christian, 80's rock, you name it, it's all mixed together.
Aly and I created a new blog that we posted yesterday, have you checked it out yet? I'm SO very excited to see the possibilities that this blog can open for everyone! Go check it out!
These are the most random facts about it, and I probably lost you all a LONG time ago! Can't wait to read up on everyone!
So if this is your first time visiting my blog... This is ME, my hubs Gerrad and our 2 cutie daughters Macie (oldest) and Addaline (youngest).
I'm a fairly laid back person, unless it involves making plans, or cleaning my house, then I'm completely OCD (which Gerrad LOVES about me, ha). I love to laugh, and can pretty much make myself laugh at just about anything. I'm a glass half full kind of gal, and can pretty much find a positive in any situation.
I do daycare, and have been lucky enough to be home with Addaline (and Macie during the summer) for the past year and a half. It was definitely an adjustment for me for the first few months, but now I'm acclimated and LOVE every minute of it. My daycare kids are like my 'own' kids, and I adore them all (I watch 4 kiddos, I wanted to keep it small).
I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. I'd pick dessert over a full meal any day of the week. 'Life is short, eat dessert first.'
I hate when people are late, it drives me crazy.
I am on a huge coffee kick, probably because I just gave up diet dr pepper, it was like crack for me (no not for lent). Now I've switched to coffee, but it keep it to 2 cups in the morning :)
Gerrad and I have been blessed with the B.E.S.T. group of friends anyone could ever ask for. They are our church family, and we pretty much spend every waking weekend minute together. Our kids are all growing up together, and I am truly thankful for such amazing people, daily!
We also have the best family in the world, whom I'm thankful for more than I probably express!
I love the smell of clean sheets, but hate to do laundry (makes sense huh?).
I love reading, although it takes me forever to read a book it seems.
My (random) dream job is to be a lactation consultant. I absolutely loved nursing Addaline (I was too young and stupid with Macie), and would love to support breastfeeding for a living. That, and to own my own children's boutique!
I love the color pink.
I'm obsessed with buying clothes for my girls, although I've curbed my obsession over the past year or so after many nagging convos from G.
I want another baby someday (I think, see I can't make up my mind), if it's God's plan for our family. Although I am seriously reconsidering after my sister in law sent me a text today saying that she had a dream I was pregnant, with TWIN BOYS! Oh my WORD, no thanks!
I feel like being a part of the blog world has taught me to appreciate every day that I have with my family and friends, and not take anything for granted. There is so much hurt in the world, and I feel beyond blessed to just be happy!
I love some of the most random music ever, and it drives Gerrad crazy! When I make a cd, it could have anything from rap, country, Christian, 80's rock, you name it, it's all mixed together.
Aly and I created a new blog that we posted yesterday, have you checked it out yet? I'm SO very excited to see the possibilities that this blog can open for everyone! Go check it out!
These are the most random facts about it, and I probably lost you all a LONG time ago! Can't wait to read up on everyone!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Making The Difference
I blogged about an instance that I had recently, where I felt too paralyzed by fear to pay it forward. I have thought about the moment many times since, and what I could have done differently. Talking to Gerrad I had kind of an ah-ha moment about it. I shouldn't have worried about the man's reaction, I should have at least OFFERED. If he didn't want to allow me to pay for his items at the store, at least I put it out there, and he knew that there are still good people left in this world. Have you ever let a moment pass you by when you wish you would have stepped up and done something for someone? It might not be a monetary thing, but maybe just being there for someone? I can't be the only one who has let my fear take over at one point in my life.
*I'd LOVE to introduce to you a new project that Aly and I have been working our tails off on... head on over HERE to finish the story....
*I'd LOVE to introduce to you a new project that Aly and I have been working our tails off on... head on over HERE to finish the story....
Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday Confessional
Oh hey ladies, it's
I confess... that Gerrad and I have been having 'the great stroller debate' of 2011 and it's starting to work my nerves. No sunshine and roses in this confessional y'all, my hubs is about to be cut (kidding, sort of). We used to own a Chicco travel system when Addaline was born, after she outgrew the car seat, and I thought lugging a larger stroller around was over, we bought a Combi. BIGGEST.MISTAKE.EVER. That thing is the biggest piece 'o crap there ever was, and I've been using it for 2 years, and want to throw it away after every use. I've been trying my hardest to
I confess... that I keep promising the girls that I'm going to make a countdown calendar to Disney and hang it up for them to mark off, and I keep forgetting, or procrastinating... any of you creative ladies have any ideas for making one? I can sew, bow make, you name it, but 'paper goods' are NOT my forte!
I confess... that I am counting down the days until we can sit out here all spring/summer, and enjoy cooking out with friends!
I confess... that our 8+ year old washer/dryer set is starting to shoot craps (well the washer is). Gerrad looked up the parts for the washer last night that he suspects we need, and they were ONLY a couple hundred dollars. In the world of front loading washer/dryers, ours is apparently a dinosaur. With the cost of parts, it might almost be cheaper to buy a new set, which is NOT in the slightest bit, what this momma would like to spend her dollars on currently, BOO!
I confess... I NEED to get my butt in gear on this fitness thing. I told Gerrad starting Monday I am going to the gym 3 mornings a week, so wish me luck! My goal for April/May is to shed some of this unwanted poundage, anyone want to hold me accountable?
I confess... I cannot stop watching this video, it CRACKS me up! It reminds me of all the 'dads' in our group of friends, and my own dad and father in law! Esp the part about the mower (yeah Steve, I'm talking about YOU :)) Take 3 minutes out of your day and enjoy a laugh, and think about our household when the guy says he's got 'dozens of dollars, and he gives them all to his daughters and wife' HA! Oh AND the part that says 'me with my sweet goatee,' Gerrad much?!
P.S. I'm watching this video as I type, and cracking up! It's the simple things people, it doesn't take much to make me laugh!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
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