Today I am in mourning... last night I was oh SOOOO close to being able to do a little victory jig in my family room in honor of Adam getting kicked off Idol. Oh the trickery of A.I., sometimes I loathe thee. So close but yet so far. I was sad to see Matt go home, he is a very talented singer and to me has a WAY better voice than Adam could ever dream of, I'm going to hold on to my hope that maybe next week it will be Adam's turn since he FINALLY made it to the bottom 2 this week, please say a little prayer if you stumble across this blog and read my immature rampage. I'll leave you with a little picture I concocted this morning, tee hee... Adam, you live to see another week, lucky for you apparently a lot of America is tone deaf (obviously). Please see my letter below about decreasing the amount of eye make-up you apply each week. My husband might be coming to stay with you in the A.I. mansion shortly if he keeps egging me on and acting like he is a new found friend of yours to tick me off. Until next week....

Now it's time for me to address the ANNOYING weather situation we are dealing with in the land of 'Oz'. I am thinking of writing a letter to the local meteorologist and asking him to do me a favor with the big man upstairs and fax him the letter of disdain that I have written him about all the stinkin' RAIN that we have been dealing with. For once I would like to go out into my back yard and not feel like I'm walking through the flood plains. I'd like to go out back and sit on my brand new patio furniture without my behind getting soaked and making my pants look like I wet myself. I would like to be able to leave my house without an umbrella. I would obviously NEVER survive living in Seattle as you can see. SO, here's to hoping for a nice weekend free of rain, oh wait I've already seen the weekend forecast and it calls for, say it with me kids "RAIN".