Wednesday, March 31, 2010
To everyone who has supported me through this learning/growing time in my life/business... I cannot ever thank you enough. It means so much to me that you all take the time to leave such sweet comments for lil old me :o)
Have a great Wednesday! I'll be adding some new items to my shop this morning, so keep your eye on my business blog and Facebook page!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ABC's of ME!
{The ABC's of Molly}
A. AREA CODE : The Midwest
B. BED SIZE: King... and my 6'4" hubby's feet STILL hang off the edge, sheesh!
C. CHORE YOU HATE: Say it with me now... LAUNDRY!!
E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: My computer...need to check my emails, catch up on blogging, Facebook, etc!
H. HEIGHT: 5'7
I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: None....I used to be a pro at the clarinet, be jealous!
J. JOB: Stay at home mom to 2 sweet girls (well 1 is in school all day) and aspiring boutique owner :)
K. KIDS: 2 precious girls
L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: With my husband and daughters
M. MOM'S NAME: Mom ;)
N. NICKNAME: Momma, Mommy, Moll Doll
P. PET PEEVE: Oh boy, we don't have enough time or space for this one...
Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: "You shut your mouth when you're talking to me" Wedding Crashers
S. SIBLINGS: One- a sister
T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: 6:30-6:45am
U. UNDERWEAR: Yes, I wear them
W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: My husband takes longer to get ready than I do, ahhh!
X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: Finger and ankle
Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Um... can we come back to this one, I'm no Betty Crocker!
Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: Penguins...Polar Bears...Hippo's and Giraffes
Top 2 Tuesday

Today's topic over at The Undomestic Momma's Top 2 Tuesday is 2 Random Things about Yourself... this ought to be fun since I have some of the most random quirks ever!! Head over to her blog to check them out, and link up if you choose to join in on the fun!!
1} I DO NOT like online shopping... GASP!!!! That's right folks, you heard it here first, a girl who does not like online shopping. I think I have MAYBE ordered something off Old Navy's website once, and a few things from ebay. I will not purchase things online from stores we have here locally, I'm not sure why. I'm more of an instant gratification person, and if I want it, I'd rather just walk right in to the store and buy it.
2} I have a weird food texture thing. I cannot eat anything with a mushy (yes that's a word) texture for too long or I will start gagging. For example... mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, you get the idea. I love all 3 of those foods I mentioned, and eat them regularly, I just have to portion them properly. HA HA! So ridiculous right?!
Monday, March 29, 2010
And the Winner Is......
THANK YOU so much to all of you who gave me advice and pointers! I plan on using each and every idea in some way. I cannot tell you how much I truly appreciate all of your kind words!!!
Its Monday Already?
I got Macie 2 dresses that were super cute. I love the dress on the right with the fruit on it, one of my favorite lines from Gymboree.
AND without further adieu.... LOOK WHAT I GOT AT THE SALE FOR MYSELF... Go me!!! I got a gorgeous blue Coach purse, for $50.00. Yep that's right, I said $50.00. It was love at first sight :o) I'm aware that its probably a fake, but none the less, I LOVE it! It has a small coin purse inside it and a long strap to put on my shoulder to carry it as well, yay!
Tracy and I had a WONDERFUL night just the two of us, getting away from the kiddos and enjoying a night to ourselves, with adult conversation all night, being on our own schedule was amazing! Thanks again Tracy for inviting me!
Saturday morning Macie had 2 volleyball games. She rocked the house as usual on serving, and did well at bumping it too. Since she's so young, her age group has a hard time volleying the ball back and forth, but they all do GREAT. Its so fun to go watch my little super star play on Saturday mornings.
Saturday evening we celebrated our friend Aaron's birthday (Tracy's husband) and went out to dinner at a Japanese steak house, it was yummy, and we all had a great time. There were 16 of us there, and I some how managed not to take ANY pictures! BOO :( We were all invited to go over to their place to watch the UFC fights after dinner, but Addaline had a long day with no nap, so I took her home and put her to bed, and Gerrad and Macie went and had a great time hanging out watching the fights. I was SO sad I missed out, but needed to get Addaline in bed, poor girl was exhausted!!!
I was going to craft a bit, to catch up on some more orders, but my lack of motivation got the best of me, so I laid on the couch and caught up on my dvr'd shows instead!
Yesterday we had church, and then lunch with friends afterwards. We came home and I made a few dresses, and bows, and Gerrad worked on my bow rack that I needed. I have been so overwhelmed lately with my growing business and trying to find time to balance every thing else. I think my biggest problem is not having a craft room, THIS is what my bedroom looks like on a daily basis, AHHHH! I am SUCH a neat freak, that I'm at wits end with this bedroom disaster. We're going to convert our computer room (which is super small but will work great) to a crafting room I believe, SOON! I might work on it tonight while Macie is at dance, just so I can have some peace of mind, ha ha!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I'm going to do a drawing today for the $10.00 gift certificate winner, so stay tuned in a bit!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
HELP- I Need Your Creative Advice!!
So I'm trying to really get my business to take off as I've mentioned before... but I need a little help and advice as to how to reach out to local area boutiques. I've been designing a large postcard to take around to local shops with me, and I will also be improving my portfolio with my most recent work. Where I'm struggling is with how to 'Sell Myself'... I'm not one of those pushy people who is loud and straight forward so I'm a little nervous about approaching shop owners. What items do you think I should take with me? Maybe one of each thing so they can see the quality and design? What else would you suggest I take with me? I've got business cards as well. Also, I've been trying to think of some good promotions to host on my blog, my business blog and Facebook fan page... any thoughts or ideas? Here are my prices for all my products, what do you think good deals would be? What would you be willing to buy/spend?
TuTu Outfits: $35.00
TuTu: $20.00
Applique Shirt/Onesie: $15.00
Pillowcase Dress: $20.00
Burp Cloths (NEW Item): 3/$15.00
Bows: $4.00-$8.00
Onesie Dress: (still working on this but I need a price suggestion?)
Crochet Hat w/ Flower clip or Single layer bow: $10.00

SO... since I want to pick all of your brains, IF you submit a comment with an idea for me, you will be entered to win a $10.00 gift certificate to my shop!!! I'll keep this open all of today, and maybe some of tomorrow, so comment away!!
Thanks in advance every one! I can't wait to hear all your creative ideas! Also, I'm always up for new ideas to put in my shop, so if you have anything you would like to see that I don't sell, fire away :)
One more thing... I'm also in the market for a new website. My husband would like me to keep it as inexpensive as possible, so if any of you know any web designers that are inexpensive, or any free web design sites, feel free to pass those my way as well. I LOVE my blog, and the design, thanks again Jamie, I just need to find something that's easier to navigate for my customers.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Day at the Zoo
Addaline could have stayed in this exact spot and chased the geese all day!
They're serious about dividing up their animal crackers!
Love this little gimpy-tooth smile
Taking a little break
Macie wanted to take a picture, such a good photographer ;)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday- Things You Can't Live Without

Today over at The Undomestic Momma's blog, the topic for Top 2 Tuesday is: 2 Things You Can't Live Without
The obvious things would be God, Gerrad, Macie and Addaline, food, water, etc... I'm going to keep it light and tell you 2 things I could actually live without, but wouldn't like to, make sense?! 1} My Blackberry!! I know, its pathetic I AM one of those people! Lately its been my lifeline with this new business venture and trying to stay on top of all my email orders/questions/requests. Don't get it twisted, I also use it to facebook and blog as well, ha ha!!
2} MUSIC! I am always listening to music. It seems to help motivate me 9 times out of 10. When I'm going to clean the house, fold laundry, craft, etc... the FIRST thing I do, even before getting out my supplies, is turn on the music. The louder the better, but if the girls are around I keep it at a low volume ;) I think my love for music has rubbed off on both the girls which I love. Macie sings all the time, and adores dancing to music. Almost on a daily basis, the girls with have a little dance party in one of their rooms, and it just tickles me!
So what 2 things couldn't you live without???? Its so interesting to see what people feel is truly their lifelines!!
St Patty's Day

After the parade we grabbed some lunch, and then headed back to our house to hang out for a while, then ended up going out to dinner at a Japanese Restaurant where they cook in front of you. Pretty ironic since we probably should have been going somewhere for corned beef and cabbage. We enjoyed our yummy dinner none the less, and ended the day at Cold Stone with delicious dessert :)
I know I'm a little late posting our pics, but better late than never, right?!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Blog Award

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and insert a link to their blog.
Thank You Kelly @ Keeping Up with Kelly & Co.
Elizabeth @ Confessions From a Working Mom
Friday, March 19, 2010
New Tattoo

Its an ambigram tattoo, meaning it can be read right side up and upside down. It reads 'Faith' in case you're having trouble making out my lovely cell phone quality picture. I got this one on my right wrist, and wanted to get 'Love' on my left wrist, but they didn't have the exact font of this one, so I passed on it and will go back sometime in the near future to have it done.
I'm not a HUGE tattoo person, my other 3 tattoos I have don't have a lot of meaning or thought put into them, and I definitely regret a few of them. I really love this one and am so pleased with how it turned out!
I hope everyone is having a GREAT week. I'll be posting later about our St Patty's day with lots of pictures!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday- Favorite Celebrity Styles

Today over at The Undomestic Momma, Top 2 Tuesday's topic is Favorite Celebrity Style, YAY! My taste is pretty simple, not a lot of frill/flare so my choices are some of the most plain yet gorgeous celebs out there.
Reese Witherspoon is my number 1 pick. She always looks SO cute and put together whether she is just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, or wearing a gorgeous gown at an awards ceremony.
L.O.V.E. the purple ball gown in the middle, SOOO pretty!
My second favorite celebrity for her style is Jessica Biel. Not only is she simply gorgeous, that girl has some super simple, adorable style. She is often spotted just wearing sweats, t-shirts but always looks gorgeous. Love the jacket she is wearing in this top picture!
She looks beautiful in this super cute dress!!
So who are your favorite celebs for their style trends?
This week is Spring Break for us and the girls and I have just been enjoying spending time together away from the house. Tomorrow we are going to the annual St Patty's Day parade downtown. I'm super excited and will be taking TONS of pictures. I made the girls matching shirts, so no doubt they'll look adorable :) I've also been catching up on orders which feels good. I've missed all my blogging friends, but have been loving spending time with my girls away from the house/computer/work!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Pillowcase Dresses Have Arrived!!!
Because of the style of this dress, your little girl can wear it for a long time! Wear as a dress or pair with jeans or leggings for an adorable year round look!
I can do any size you need, just let me know! Standard sizes are listed below:
(measured from collar bone to just past knee):
Measured from the collarbone to the hem:
0-3 month-------------------11" length
3-6 month-------------------13" length
6-12 month------------------14" length
12-24 month-----------------17" length
2T-------------------------19" length
3T-------------------------20" length
4T-------------------------21" length
5T-------------------------22" length

SOME of the fabric choices:

Please visit my business blog to place an order if you are interested or have any questions!!
Top 3 Thursday
Today's topic is: What are your Top 3 favorite things about being a parent?

#3) The delightful giggles and adorable smiles I get for doing something that anyone else, would think is borderline kooky!! Addaline is at the age where she mimics everything that we do, and she gets a kick out of herself when she knows she says something funny. Macie is at the age where she can actually make jokes, and tell silly stories, and it cracks me up to hear both of them belly laugh together over the silliest things. Laughter is heard a LOT in our house, and its one of my FAVORITE things about being a parent!
#2) The sound of silence as you gaze into their angelic, sleeping faces. Sometimes when the girls were both younger, I would go into their rooms at night to check on them, and even though they would be sleeping peacefully, I would pick them up and hold them. Just to have that moment when they are still and I could reflect over how grateful I was/still am for them. Sometimes I will crawl in bed with Addaline and just look at her, and think of how blessed we are to have here. Other times, when Gerrad is working out of town, I let Macie sleep with me, and when I get to bed and she is sleeping peacefully, I thank God for this first child who has changed my life forever!
#1) To hear those most precious words "I love you, Mom!" I'm one of those mom's that smothers my kids with hugs and kisses and says "I love you" ALL.THE.TIME. Its my favorite part of each and every day when they tell me they love me. Its the ultimate reward for a long stressful day, or a day when I just feel kind of 'off' as a parent.
There are so many more reasons I adore being a parent... but since its 'Top 3 Thursday' I'll stop at 3 :) SO what are your favorite things about being a parent????